Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Blissful Start

I can still vividly remember, the day I was informed that Christine was expecting. We were at the Emergency Department of our local general hospital late midnight due to complications with Christine's pneumatorax (lung colapses). There was plenty of movements and we were like ants scuttling around places in the ED for consultations, scans and payments with the doctors, nurses and registerations.

But everything suddenly just came to a standstill when a doctor came to inform that we're expecting our baby (babies in the end as it turn out to be twins). Christine was always laughing away on how I stood dazed in the ED for minutes before coming to. Never did believed her but I really couldn't recall what happened during that few minutes. It seems to be a fact that I couldn't really handle good news. The other time which I was caught in a daze was when the obstetrician updated we'll be having twins, but that was only for a mere few tens of seconds.

Anyways, the rest of the expentency came by with the intense shopping of baby clothings and toys. We decorated our new apartment, sectoring off a part of our bedroom for the baby cradles, organising weekend get-togethers with friends, knowing that this may be the very few last gathering before the heavy works of parenthood arrives, and god knows what we could think of to say goodbye to sweet old couplehood.

Well, the boys came to this world on 7th Jun 2002. Yes, I do agree that they have since been a great pain in our daily lives, but I will not trade anything for that not to happen. Looking back at the pictures and videos we took over the years, I couldn't think of anything more meaningful than being a part of their lifes and growing up with them.

Boys, stay off the Wii and television..... and stop the screaming.

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