Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Feeling Life

It hasn't been easy, and never will be smooth sailing, being parents. With the births of the twin, I started to experience what it was really like - to feel life as it should be. Happiness, contentment, satisfaction, anxiety, heartbroken .... it goes on and on.

As with most twins, they came prematured (35 weeks) and not without minor complications. Ross and Ryan were both too small to be discharge and Ryan especially, had to be closely monitored in the incubator. There were needles of similar length as compared to his little arms and legs, sticking out from his tiny hand. As his hands were still too weak to have the needles on for days, they merried-go-round the needle among his fours to ensure he wasn't hurt too much on either one limb. It wasn't a sight one could easily bear. I tried persuading Christine to stay and tend to Ross during the 3 weeks period. She visited Ryan once, and cried. Although we knew Ryan was safe, we couldn't help but feel the ache in our hearts throughout the long 3 weeks.

That was the first experience as a parent, and I know now it'll keep coming for the rest of my life. It has always been on time really.

Ross was luckier. He was discharged shortly after gaining some weight and was happily back in the comfort of our bedroom. Perhaps that's the reason why Ross has always been the more cheerful one as compared to Ryan. Nevertheless, he too contributed his fair share of our aches, but that's something I would write another time.

I naively thought we were ready (parenthood) after we knew about the expectancy and all the preparation readings. One could never be, even if you've been a parent once, twice or trice. Everything similar is never the same, so one'll just need to learn and grow along the way, feeling life as it should be.

Dear children,
Thank you all for letting me grow with you. Without you all, my life experiences will just be lingering around when I married your mum. Perhaps I'll then alway be her only pampered one.....


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